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My First Day At Coaching


Will be taking you to one awful day of my life, hence read at your own risk;)

At that time , I was in class sixth and very average in studies. It had been been just 1-2 years when the coaching Industries had started establishing in our cities and started gaining attention. Actually I didn't like  joining tuitions from childhood, so my parents thought that may be I should give it a try once as most of the required subjects would be covered under a single roof. So as usual , I sat for the exam. However, I didn't get any scholarship and hence had to pay the full fees there :-(

Finally ,now coming to the pivotal topic of this post. On the first day, when I entered the classroom I found that there were around a total of about thirty students. Some of them I did knew as they were from our school only. While having conversations with them, I came to know that I was the only one among them who didn't get any scholarship. Oh! yeah I forgot to tell you one thing that back in those days I was damn too shy. And hence , when they asked me  about how much scholarship I had got, I just told them that I don't recall properly. 

Now when our first teacher arrived( His name was Kumar Purusottam most probably), his teaching style was purely awesome ,but by the time I had realized this  fact, he had already left our center( may be next year).

                                             Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

The thing is during the first few classes I really couldn't figure out anything that what was going on around me ! Like I recall that on the first day he had given a simple MAT question where the 2nd number was the square of the first in each row. Seconds after writing the question, all the students started shouting the answer. But poor me! didn't even knew about square. I was just thinking that how can a number have a square shape and my shyness added a layer more to my pool of difficulties.
Same thing happened for cube too. xD:-(

However after coming home and asking my papa about about all those terms, I understood, how much fool I was! And this same thing continued for the later classes too. Everyday, I used to come home and get all my doubts cleared from my father only as I was already too shy and I was the only one in my coaching who didn't understand the things well. Moreover the teachers there, where not that much supportive. I mean they used to get irritated if someone asked anything repeatedly( with only 1-2 exceptions like Purusottam Sir, but he had left too early)

Finally I had made up my mind that if this continued till the end of the year , then I wouldn't sit for admission again only. It's not that it was of no use for me , but the thing is I had to make more efforts to understand the same thing and the teachers didn't like being asked repeatedly the same things again and again.
So for now keeping it till here; If you found it too boring ,then sorry pal, was just sharing some of my experiences only.

It took me few years to understand until I got to class 11 that you know what ?
class 11th and 12th teachers are far more awesome in teaching you with fun( I mean mostly, dunno about others, but true in my case) and they can tell you one concept a hundred times even in between classes( mostly).

In the end I would like to tell you that , just don't give up ,even if you are slow because,,
It's a slow process, but quitting won't speed it up :)





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